Education (13)

25 March 2013

Artist-in-Residence Programme of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Meet-the-Artist Session, Chiang Chen Theatre

16 September 2012

"Harmonica - Art and Life" Sharing Talk and Demonstration, Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library

27 June to 30 September 2012

"25 Years in Retrospect" Exhibition, Arts Resource Centre, Hong Kong Central Library

22 February 2010

Hong Kong Arts Festival Plus Programme, Theatre, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre, The University of Hong Kong

12 January 2009

"Life, Arts and Culture" series, Hong Kong Institute of Education

10 October 2006

Workshop on writing for harmonica by Hui Cheung Wai, Tsuen Wan Town Hall Exhibition Gallery

7 March 2004

Pre-concert Talk, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Rehearsal Room, Sheung Wan Civic Centre

19 July 2001

Talk on Composing for Harmonica, Hong Kong Cultural Centre Function Room

30 October 1999

Talk on Organising Harmonica Orchestra, Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre

13 July 1999

Talk on Quintet Playing, Hong Kong Cultural Centre Studio Theatre

January to May 1999

Advanced Chromatic Harmonica Course

10 September 1998

Talk on Chromatic Harmonica Playing, Hong Kong Cultural Centre Function Room (by Sigmund Groven)

10 January 1998

Talk on Chromatic Harmonica and Quintet Playing, Hong Kong Cultural Centre Function Room

Seminars at various international harmonica festivals